This colorful, crunchy black bean and corn salad is chock-full of easy-to-swallow nutrition that all ages will love. Try it with a variety of summer entrees,...
My family enjoys this easy baked beans recipe with cornbread, but it also rounds out any cookout. Canned pork and beans make meal prep quick. -Phyllis...
These homemade au gratin potatoes are always welcome at our dinner table, and they're so simple to make. A perfect complement to ham, this homey potato...
Take the chill off any blustery day and make something special to accompany meaty entrees. This is the best scalloped potatoes recipe ever, and my family...
The pickled beets my mother made came from our garden and were canned for the winter months. Even as a child I loved beets because they brought so much...
I jazz up these baked french fries with paprika and garlic powder. Something about the combination of spices packs a punch. The leftovers are even good...
For potlucks and picnics, this ramen noodle salad is a knockout. I tote the veggies in a bowl, dressing in a jar and noodles in a bag. Then I shake them...
We have a tradition at our house to serve this creamy cucumber salad with the other Hungarian specialties my mom learned to make from the women at church....
These hearty beans are a super side dish for a casual meal. The ingredients blend perfectly for a wonderful from-scratch taste. The old-fashioned flavor...
Here's an Asian slaw recipe without all the greasy mayonnaise. It's well-liked by the people who've tried it. A bit of sugar mellows the tangy Asian coleslaw...
Everyone who has tasted these cheesy mashed potatoes asks how to make them. Since this comforting casserole bakes at the same temperature as my chicken...
These melt-in-your-mouth potatoes, in a mild creamy sauce, complement any meat entree, and they're a pleasant change from mashed or baked. -Susan Ormond,...
This is a tried-and-true favorite! After I first tried this recipe, my family liked it so much they requested it at least once a week! Luckily, it's easy...
During last-minute menu planning, I often include this classic ambrosia salad recipe because I keep the ingredients on hand. -Judi Bringegar, Liberty,...
With its red pepper slices and green broccoli florets, this merry medley will brighten any holiday table. Sara Lindler of Irmo, South Carolina uses mild...
Looking for a different way to serve vegetables? These tiny pasta granules act like a magnet, pulling together the flavors of the chicken broth and vitamin-rich...
Ever wonder how to make garlic bread? This homemade garlic bread is the answer! Minced fresh garlic is key to these flavor-packed crusty slices, which...
Take advantage of fabulous fall produce and roast this scrumptious side. Lightly seasoned with cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar, this is my favorite baked...
There are lots of ways to personalize this roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon recipe to your own tastes, but it all starts with perfectly roasted sprouts....
Whenever we make a time-consuming entree, we also prepare this quick broccoli and cauliflower side. The veggies are a good fit when you're watching calories....
This colorful traditional salad is one of my mother-in-law's favorites. It's fun to eat because of its crunchy texture, and the raisins give it a slightly...
Fresh sweet potatoes Mom grew disappeared fast at our family table when she served them with this easy, flavorful glaze. She still makes them this way,...
I use this onion rings recipe as a burger topper to add an extra element to already fantastic burgers. These onion rings are also perfect for giving your...
For me, this is the best coleslaw recipe because a package of shredded cabbage and carrots really cuts down on prep time. This creamy coleslaw recipe is...
This gratin is the perfect way to use up an abundance of summer squash. It's easy to prepare, takes just 10 minutes in the oven and serves up bubbly and...
Most commercial garlic dressings don't have enough garlic taste for me, but this one always hits the spot. The thick and creamy dressing will jazz up any...
Green beans with bacon and onions makes such an easy side dish. Fresh beans lend a crisp, bright flavor to any meal. They're best when served hot. -Mari...
With its blend of garlic, parsley and cheese, this rice casserole makes a savory side dish. It's one of my favorite ways to serve rice. -Nancy Baylor,...
What makes this the best out of all the scalloped potatoes recipes out there? I slice them extra thin and toss them in a rich, creamy cheese sauce. Then,...
After sampling this broccoli salad at a barbecue, the recipe was given to me without any measurements. I can toss to together, and it turns out great everytime....
People who don't even usually like broccoli casserole beg me to make this comforting broccoli cheese casserole recipe. It's similar to a classic green...
This pasta goes nicely with any entree. Guests always leave a spot for it on their plates. It's great hot or served cold with fresh herbs from my garden.-Stephanie...
Forget buying a bag of potato chips at the grocery store when you can make these at home. This quick and easy recipe will delight everyone in the family....
When my wife asks what she should make for a gathering, she's always told to bring this-and a couple of copies of the recipe! - Robert Saulnier, Clarksburg,...
My mom gave me the recipe for these twice-baked potatoes, and I altered them by adding garlic, bacon and green onions. They're perfect for a potluck or...
When I was a child, my mother often served this salad with multicolored marshmallows sprinkled on top, much to my delight. The marshmallows added a touch...
If you're hosting a big Thanksgiving dinner this year, add this simple slow-cooked stuffing to your menu to ease entertaining. The recipe comes in handy...
Sunday afternoons were a time for family gatherings when I was a kid. While the uncles played cards, the aunts made treats such as this traditional German...
When I was young, my family grew our own cabbages. It was fun to put them to use in the kitchen, just as I did with this comforting side. With potatoes,...
This easy recipe pleasantly proves you can dress up regular rice with a few simple additions. Best of all, it can simmer while you're preparing the rest...
After I found this broccoli cauliflower casserole in an old church cookbook, I adjusted it to make it lower in calories and fat. The creamy cheese sauce...
Many terrific recipes change hands at my ladies' bridge group's monthly get-togethers. That's where I discovered this zippy, tempting dish. The garlic,...
As a four-generation Idaho family, we love our easy cheesy potatoes. I have served this cheesy potato recipe for weddings, family dinners and more. These...
Everyone raves when I bring this refreshing, creamy grape salad to potlucks. For a special finishing touch, sprinkle it with brown sugar and pecans. -Marge...